The First Step to Buying a Home

The First Step to Buying a Home

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Buying a HomeThe process involved with buying a home is an exciting time but it can be a complicated life-changing process.  Because of the amount of time and money that goes into buying a home, it is important for buyers to make wise decisions, selecting properties suitable for their long-term needs.  

To help ensure you are on the right track, here are a few steps you can take before starting the home buying process.

What’s Your Timeline?

The first thing to consider before buying a home is how long you are planning to stay in the home. Buying and selling real estate can carry with it very high transaction fees. For this reason, most buyers need to plan on staying in the home for at least 7 years. Selling before this could mean that you will lose money on the sale.  

If the home you have in mind doesn’t seem like a long term fit, you could always rent until you are ready for a long commitment.

Line Up Your Financing

One of the first things potential home buyers should do is pull your credit report. Having a firm grasp on where you stand will determine your financing options. It will also give you time to repair any marks currently hurting your credit score.

When it comes to securing a loan, home buyers will want to work with a lender that you are comfortable with. While you are working with the lender, have them qualify you for a loan based on your credit and income. Doing so will ensure that buyers only focus on houses that fit within your price range. You can also check online calculators for rough estimates of how much home you can afford.

Understand the Process

It is also a worthwhile exercise to talk your lender about what to expect moving forward. Your lender can provide suggestions on a number of fronts, sharing advice on what and what not to do.

For example, buyers will want to avoid making large credit purchases or moving money around while you are waiting to close.  Also, so as to not derail the process, it’s important to keep your current job while avoiding any late payments of bills.

Make the Right Choice

Lastly, when it comes to buying a home, buyers need to remain realistic with their plans.  Be aware that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  It can be painful for buyers to think they are getting an amazing deal to later they find out it isn’t exactly what they thought.

With your home search being underway, take your time buying your home. This will be one of the biggest purchases of your life. You want to make sure you are happy with your decision. Once the sale is final, the home is all yours.

In order to put yourself in the best position to succeed when buying a home, home buyers will want to educate themselves as much as possible. This applies not only to the overall process of buying a home, but to the local housing market itself. If you do your homework and make wise decisions, you will be happy with your decision for years to come.

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